Material texts consist of the various "things" produced by fans, funs and Elvis Presley Enterprises:

souvenirs of all types&
the material artifacts left 
behind by Elvis himself--his songs&videos&films&clothes 
will&home&cars&other paraphernalia 

There are so many material texts of Elvis that you could spend years just shopping, collecting, and cataloging.

And the uses of these texts are as varied as the people who encounter them. Use the texts to:



"In a culture like America's where social taboos exist against open displays of affection, objects often become symbolic substitutes for tactile experiences" (Bronner 1986, 3). So people who cannot, nor ever could, touch Elvis when he was alive, can now touch him through his "stuff." 

where YOUR memories live again

As an ardent Elvis fan, my family and friends 
buy any and everything to do with Elvis for me.
I have most of the books written about Elvis
. . . . Elvis 
has been a big part of my life for over 
30 years. 
Way back then,
my older brother gave me my first Elvis album.
I've been a collector ever since!
My brother and I shared a trip to Graceland
in 5th, his first.
It was magical, sharing my love for 
Elvis and Graceland and Memphis with the 
person who opened the door to Elvis
for me in the first place. We had 
such a fun trip,
we are going back real soon.
If you're an Elvis fan and 
you haven't seen Graceland,
it's a must. 
You can feel the love all around you 
and it's almost as if you expect 
Elvis himself to greet you. Graceland 
is such a warm, homey place.
People who are not Elvis fans
will never understand
why we collect items,
replay music and movies and visit 
Graceland again and again.
But if you are a fan,
we don't need words to understand 
the feelings we have.

Mona Lasoyne Alexandria, LA
(1994, 9)

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