The souvenirs atGraceland Plaza tell an official story of Elvis, a sanitized, mass mediated, folk enculturated, 
"authentic" story of a boy who would be king.

Individually, the souvenirs at Graceland Plaza are pieces of the puzzle. They answer the question, "WHO WAS ELVIS?" The answers to that question almost become propaganda for recruiting new fans into the cult of the king. Fans know the real story of what happened to Elvis, a mortal man who was flawed, in spite of his great talent and love of his fellow man.

where YOUR memories live again

Those of us not on the shuttle 
were left to mill about more.
I almost believed for a second 
that the souvenir shops located in the Plaza
were there to help tourists pass the time 
between mansion tours--
but just for a second. 
I know, as an educated consumer,
that all these shops are merely tools
of a capitalistic patriarchy
designed to rob the people foolish
enough to spend money in them 
of their hard earned dollars
to support some corporate, big-whig's salary. 
I also know that my mother 
would love the cute, pink-satin
Christmas ornament with the young,
singing Elvis silhouetted in black 
against the pink background. 
And it's only fifteen dollars.
So I buy this one item; 
that doesn't make me a victim of the system, 
does it?
So what if I buy the ten, plastic,
Graceland cups for two dollars?
I promised several people I would
bring them back something from the trip.
Am I now as stupid as the other people buying this crap?
I am on this trip for scholarly reasons!
So don't tell me I'm acting like a tourist, ok?
I'm just trying not to be conspicuous as a researcher. 

--anonymous scholar-fun

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