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End Notes

[1] See

[i] Kärreman (2001: 106) is building on observations by Gusfield (1989: 36-37) that Goffman uses dramaturgy terms such as actor and stage metaphorically, while Burke uses them as literal.

[ii]  A review of postmodern organization theory is beyond the scope of this paper.  The interested reader is referred to Hassard & Parker (1993), Alvesson & Deetz (1996), Boje, & Gephart & Thatchenkery (1996).

[iii]  In this paper we refer to the numbered paragraphs of Debord’s (1970) text rather than page numbers from a specific printing because many different editions of The Society of the Spectacle are available (including one pirated edition and a full reprint on the Web at International/journal.html).  This style is conventional when using Debord’s work (see Best & Kellner, 1997).