Although the material texts found at Graceland Plaza are seen by many as the main attraction, you haven't seen ANYTHING until you've seen the PEOPLE at Graceland Plaza:







PEOPLE ARE EVERYWHERE-- some in motion, some at rest.  Benches are lined with middle-aged women wearing summer attire, tired parents trying to keep up with small, ice cream-eating children, and bored-looking teenagers on family vacation. People mill about as if waiting for something. Some carry bags full of Elvis goodies; some fan themselves with tour brochures; some wander around constantly looking at everyone else (as if the mansion were not enough of an attraction).


Verbal texts consist of the various oral and written narratives about Elvis produced by fans, funs, and EPE:

stories&biographies&"true" encounter narratives&

sighting stories&poems&novels&myths&diaries&

journal articles&newspaper articles&magazine articles&


narratives&local folklore&gossip&fan letters

where YOUR memories live again

Hi! My name is Adam.
I'm 19 years old and have been 
"Elvis Crazy" for about a year and a half. 
It's hard to believe I'm a Presley fan.
Sometime I'll be sitting in my room
admiring the pictures of Elvis above my stereo 
and think, "Wow, I'm an Elvis Presley Fan! 
I must be crazy,
what will my friends whose heroes are Metallica think?" 
Well it turns out they thought I was a nut case
but they respected my taste or more or less accepted it.
I was searching for a new kind of music
when one day I was listening to the oldies station
and "Don't Be Cruel" came on.
It was the first time I didn't
change the station when Elvis came on.
I started singing with it
and had those legs going. 
Oh, yeah!
That was what I was looking for. 
Then I started reading every book 
and listening to every song 
I could get my hands on. 
Elvis' song is like a Lays Potato chip,
you can't have just one!!
Also, I've met a bunch of great people.
I'm in the T.C.B. in West Georgia Fan Club 
and the Special Moments for Priscilla Fan Club.
I just can't help believin' 
I've been touched by my KING!

--Adam "King"ton, fan
Knoxville, TN
(1993, 41)


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